HAEZL Joins AL1CE as an official member

We’re so excited to welcome accomplished singer Nicole Bouffard (aka. HAEZL) to our official lineup!

She joined us for our Spring tour after the departure of our previous support vocalist and suffice to say we are all so blown away by what she brings to the band.

The following is her biography for the band, written by HAEZL:

My musical journey began in Los Gatos, California. At 13, I received a Taylor 712ce acoustic-electric guitar, a gracious gift from an enthusiastic father on a father-daughter trip to San Luis Obispo. I was captivated by the frequencies my voice created with the instrument. I spent hours experimenting, layering my voice and guitar onto a lonely little 4-track tape recorder. Those early recordings and experimentation sparked a passion that would become a thread of purpose throughout my life.

As a young adult, I was heavily involved in community musical theater, performing alongside what would be more than a few future Broadway stars. However, after relocating to Los Angeles, I discovered opera and completed both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in opera performance. I founded my opera company, Orphée Arts, producing two operas, and established myself as a professional classical vocalist. The LA opera community introduced me to Tash from AL1CE, beginning a decade-long artistic collaboration that included working on and publishing our children’s book, sharing the opera stage, and even finding ourselves in odd parallels like at the same film screening starring in two different short films.

My musical journey in LA took an exciting turn when I became the lead singer of the metal band Stryfe, a role that allowed me to tap back into my creativity and showcase my vocal talents in the local rock and metal scene. This opportunity led to several notable collaborations, including being a guest artist on The Dylan Furr Band’s single “Possessed.” While I’m proud of these achievements, I recognize the spark that re-ignited my interest in that journey was – not ironically – attending an inspiring AL1CE show at Bar Sinister.

In 2016, I relocated across the country to Washington D.C. for a new opportunity when I won the audition to become a full-time vocalist for the Military District of Washington as Soloist for the United States Army Band, Pershing’s Own. My position with the U.S. Army Band has led to incredible performances for dignitaries, national broadcasts, and ceremonies alongside world-class artists. While this has been one of the greatest honors of my lifetime, it did not come without sacrifice as I had to put my own art on hold to focus on the high-profile and high  pressure nature of the job.

COVID changed everything.

In 2020, a dream became an awakening. Working from home offered a few naps here and there (please don’t tell the Army) But one particular nap had my life take a different turn. I woke up with a fully formed song, “Indigo” blazing through my mind. This was different from the fragments of melodies and lyrics I would dream, songs and sounds impossible to transcribe. “Indigo” was complete, vivid, and insistent – a reminder of a long-held vision for a pop/electronic project, a passion I had put on hold a long time ago. The dream sparked a realization: I had a creative calling that needed to be answered. With “Indigo” as my debut release, I took the first step towards reclaiming my path as a songwriter and produced my first single as HAEZL and in a profound and incredible loop back – that journey has brought me back to my friends and AL1CE.  

My art is about connection and catharsis. I draw inspiration from artists like Björk, Maria Callas, and Ani DiFranco. I strive to create a sound that seamlessly blends intimacy and grandeur. I’m an artist, vocalist, songwriter, and producer dedicated to crafting music and art that resonates deeply with its audience, as deeply as I resonate with it. I bring everything I can to every project because I believe the most important thing in life is living in authenticity. It’s about embracing our raw, unapologetic selves and creating a safe space of genuine expression and truth. In doing so, we not only stay true to who we are but also inspire others to do the same, fostering a world where authenticity is the norm rather than the exception.

I am profoundly excited to be a part of the AL1CE world, weaving my experience and abilities into the tapestry they have created. It is such an honor to find myself here at this juncture and am looking forward to the future and what will be created.


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