AL1CE/Past Tense Of Never/11 Echoes

May 5th 2019
8:00 pm
AL1CE/Past Tense Of Never/11 Echoes

AL1CE, Past Tense Of Never and 11 Echoes at the Stumblin’ Pig!

AL1CE is a surrealist electronic rock group that fuses dance, surrealist art, video, world music, electronica, and rock into a veritable broth of sound and vision. The group began as a collaboration under the umbrella of The Alice Project, between members of Mankind is Obsolete, Collide, I:Parasite, and Android Lust.

β€œThe collective fuses musical influences from the likes of Pink Floyd, Queen, and Tool as well as new wave and electronica to create a sound that may remind some people of The Birthday Massacre and to others of Delerium. The Thirteenth Hour is a truly eclectic collection with songs that veer to the moody and mystical.” ~ Spill Magazine.

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